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« le: 10 Mars 2014 à 18:32:52 » |
Hello! Any mother of twin speaking English here? I work in Geneva, live in France. Expecting my girls in April 2013.
« Répondre #1 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 19:28:13 » |
Hello ! I speak english a Little bit Where do you live ? Don´t you speak French ? I need to improve my english, it will be nice to discuss ;-)
Aline, maman de Marius (nov.2007), Léontine (sept.2010), Honorine et Anatole arrivés le 15 octobre 2012, 2kg610 et 2kg450 à 38 sa !
« Répondre #2 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 19:28:47 » |
April 2014, no ?
Aline, maman de Marius (nov.2007), Léontine (sept.2010), Honorine et Anatole arrivés le 15 octobre 2012, 2kg610 et 2kg450 à 38 sa !
muguette/juinette 2008
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« Répondre #3 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 19:59:59 » |
Hi Angela! Welcome on the " forum" and felicitations for this pregnancy. Are they your first children? What is your job in Genova? You're not working anymore I hope.
Un grand 1m82 né à 40sa+4; une grande 1m71 née à 40sa; un moyen 1m75 né à 39sa+5 et 2 petits d'1m75 et 1m64 nés à 38sa-1. Et en tout : plus de 300kg d'amour !!
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« Répondre #4 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 20:13:44 » |
Oh yes.. April 14... I hope they stay in me as long as possible. I have a four year old daughter and 1.5 year old boy already. I work in a bank in Geneva and I stopped working since early February. Lying on bed most of the time now. )
« Répondre #5 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 20:36:11 » |
Oh yes.. April 14... I hope they stay in me as long as possible. I have a four year old daughter and 1.5 year old boy already. I work in a bank in Geneva and I stopped working since early February. Lying on bed most of the time now. ) Where do you live ? When my twins are born, my first son was 5 and my daughter 2. You need to be quiet before your new life with 4 kids ;-) I know what it is !!!
Aline, maman de Marius (nov.2007), Léontine (sept.2010), Honorine et Anatole arrivés le 15 octobre 2012, 2kg610 et 2kg450 à 38 sa !
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« Répondre #6 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 20:45:16 » |
I live in Sergy, pay de Gex. I hope to meet some mothers of twins here around. Got lots of questions!
Marraine des Juillettes 2015, des Octobrettes 2016, des Octobrettes et Novembrettes 2017 et 2018
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Octobrette 2010 : mes deux Amours ♥♥
« Répondre #7 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 20:58:25 » |
Welcome on board and congratulations for your double pregnancy A litle bit of english for me as well. It also needs to be improved Anyway enough to be inderstood most of the time. Pays de Gex is a nice place and you probably would find other mothers living there. I'm the mother of twins born in sept 2010 : a girl and a boy. I live 60 km north from Paris and I've been many times in Jura because my father's family still was living there some years ago. "Talk" to you soon
♥ Depuis septembre 2010, M ma Princesse & C mon petit Loup illuminent ma vie ♥
"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." St-Ex
« Répondre #8 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 21:04:21 » |
I live in Valleiry, near St Julien en Genevois. Where have you planned to give birth ?
Aline, maman de Marius (nov.2007), Léontine (sept.2010), Honorine et Anatole arrivés le 15 octobre 2012, 2kg610 et 2kg450 à 38 sa !
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« Répondre #9 le: 10 Mars 2014 à 21:36:22 » |
I hope I can give birth in La Tour if I can pass 34 weeks. If not, HUG in Geneva which is really far from home. I am happy to see so many English replies. Should get together one day!
« Répondre #10 le: 12 Mars 2014 à 13:23:50 » |
I live in Sergy, pay de Gex. I hope to meet some mothers of twins here around. Got lots of questions! Hello and welcome ! I also live in Pays de Gex, in Prevessin-Moens. We are almost neighbors ! I have 2 little girls (21 month). I'll be happy to meet you when your babies are born. Until then, you have to rest ! Don't hesitate if you have any question !
Maman comblée de 2 petites filles nées en mai 2012 et d'un petit garçon né en janvier 2016
« Répondre #11 le: 12 Mars 2014 à 23:54:50 » |
Hi, I'm a native German speaking mother with 20 months' old boys. I live in Savoie near Chambéry but I work in Haute Savoie (Arve Valley) every week. Feel free to ask your questions
2 petits franco-allemands nous ont rejoint le 27 Juin 2012 à 35 SA !
"En tant que maman de jumeaux, on ne fait pas toujours comme on veut, mais surtout comme on peut !"
« Répondre #12 le: 13 Mars 2014 à 07:04:26 » |
Welcome on board and congratulations for this double 'all in one' pregnancy! Feel free to ask any questions, this forum is here to help. Do you know if your twins are fraternal or identical? Where are you from originally? Yes I lnow I am nosey Tell us more. I am the mother of two 3 and a half years old girls ans stepmom of 2 teens (17 ans 14). Talk to you soon !
Deux trésors: S et A arrivées le 23 Juillet 2010. "Parfois on regarde les choses, telles qu'elles sont, en se demandant pourquoi. Parfois on les regarde, telles qu'elles pourraient être, en se disant, pourquoi pas..."
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« Répondre #13 le: 15 Juin 2014 à 08:45:01 » |
Hello all, sorry for being quiet for so long. My girls were born 2 April. They are very fine - got 2.4 and 2.8 kg at birth and now they are 4.6 and 4.9 kg at two months. I am surviving.....
Aline, our four kids are two years apart each of them!
« Répondre #14 le: 21 Juin 2014 à 11:21:26 » |
Hello all, sorry for being quiet for so long. My girls were born 2 April. They are very fine - got 2.4 and 2.8 kg at birth and now they are 4.6 and 4.9 kg at two months. I am surviving.....
Aline, our four kids are two years apart each of them!
Congratulations ! I you need to discuss, I am here !!!
Aline, maman de Marius (nov.2007), Léontine (sept.2010), Honorine et Anatole arrivés le 15 octobre 2012, 2kg610 et 2kg450 à 38 sa !